Decor Bundle | Canva Template | Country in Colour Ngurra


Bring Aboriginal Art in your learning space with the editable Country in Colour Decor Bundle.

Here’s what’s included:

  • 1 x Acknowledgement of Country poster (PDF)
  • 2 x editable Welcome Signs
  • 2 x editable Morning Routine/Greeting slides
  • 16 x editable tray/name/daily routine (rectangles) label designs
  • 2 x Desk strip designs, with editable name (NSW, QLD, VIC, TAS, NT, SA, WA, ACT fonts)
  • 4 x editable square book tub label designs
  • 6 x editable Pennant designs – 2 to an A4 page, but can be resized
  • 6 x Bunting Flags designs – 2 to an A4 page, but can be resized
  • 8 x editable circle label designs
  • 8 x editable square labels designs
  • 20 drawer compartment organiser labels
  • 2 x editable Diary/Folder cover designs
  • Editable text boxes
  • All can be resized to suit your needs
  • Easy to follow editing instructions included
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This item: Decor Bundle | Canva Template | Country in Colour Ngurra


Design Country in Colour – Ngurra is inspired by the Country we grew up on and the interconnectedness we share with our environment, how the country and land we live on is absorbed into our being and fibres. The colours capture the many different colours we see on country. The sky is our pathways to the next life, the yellow is the sun that shines through. The mountains are what shields us on our country. The people sit around in circles among the native foods, all in abundance out on country. Artist Leah Cummins is a proud Mayi woman from North Western Queensland. Mayi-Kulan from her Father and Kalkadoon from her Mother. She paints stories of strength for women and children, love of the land and all of her people. Leah is passionate about sharing her love of art and the interpretation of empowerment of her people. She shares her art with love and harmony. To use:
  • Canva template
  • You can sign up for a free Canva account to access and use this template
  • Decide on your label, choose your own font, colour type in your text, add pictures, then print.

Additional information

Digital Resources

Purchase of this resource entitles the purchaser the right to reproduce pages in limited quantities for single classroom or homeschool use only.

Duplication for a friend, another staff member, entire school/service or commercial purpose without purchase of an additional license is strictly forbidden.

Copying any part of this resource and/or placing it on the internet in any form (even a personal or classroom website/ school server) is a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).

Copyright ©Songlines Art, Culture, Education.

Songlines Art, Culture, Education Pty Ltd

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We acknowledge and pay our respects to the people of the Bundjalung Nation, the Traditional Custodians of the beautiful land and waterways on which we live and work.

Always was. Always will be Aboriginal land.