Barra Be Speared Painting


Original Aboriginal art by Leah Brown featuring a Barramundi swimming in the ocean that has been hunted with a traditional hunting spear.


Leah Brown is a proud Garawa and Mara woman from the Roper River area of the Northern Territory, she currently lives on Dunghutti Country, NSW. Leah is skilled in painting, digital artwork and design and is passionate about using her talents to educate and share her culture.


  • 24.5 x 20.5 cm
  • Acrylic on unstretched canvas
  • Hand painted

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This item: Barra Be Speared Painting

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Weight .500 kg

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Copyright ©Songlines Art, Culture, Education.

Songlines Art, Culture, Education Pty Ltd

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We acknowledge and pay our respects to the people of the Bundjalung Nation, the Traditional Custodians of the beautiful land and waterways on which we live and work.

Always was. Always will be Aboriginal land.